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This week, we have chosen to take a third look at New Found Gold.

This week, we have chosen to focus on how much it costs to run an open pit mine, and how Technical Reports tend to underestimate actual costs by 10-15%

This week, we have chosen to focus on companies we have previously analysed to see if new data will change our conclusions.

This week, the Analysts have chosen to focus on Harte Gold as a case study.

This week, the Analysts have chosen to focus on the performance of two gold companies (Newmont & Barrick) since the last gold super-cycle in 2011.

This week, the Analysts have chosen to focus on how much it actually costs to run an underground mine, and useful input parameters for economic modelling.

This week, the Analysts have chosen to focus on the contradictions between good geological potential and doubts about management strategy. Which will win?

This week, the Analysts have chosen to focus on All-In Sustaining Costs and the dangers that come with relying too heavily on the data provided by companies.

This week, the Analysts have chosen to focus on understanding drill results, using 5 companies as examples, focusing more on what's NOT said than actually is said.

Get industry analysts' take on the latest mining company press releases, and its effect on you - the investor.

Get industry analysts' take on the latest mining company press releases, and its effect on you - the investor.

Get industry analysts take on the latest mining company press releases, and its effect on you - the investor.